The Pastoralism in African Economies


The Pastoralism in African Economies

Livestocks is commonly defined as domestic animals raised for business purposes, usually to produce milk, meat, eggs, fur, and other livestock commodities like leather, eggs, milk, and wool. The word “livestock” comes from the Latin word “ligustrum,” that means “slaughter.” Livestock may be used to refer to different classifications of animal husbandry: hunting or fishing, rearing small farm animals for milk and meat, breeding small farm animals for meat, sport farming, and wild game hunting and fishing. In the United States, cattle are the largest industry, with horses, donkeys, ostriches, sheep, buffalo, zebra, etc.

The history of pastoralism in Africa can be traced back to the earliest centuries of the Common Era, when traders brought their domesticated herds of cattle, goat, sheep, etc. from Europe to the rest of Africa, bringing along with them their practices of intensive early land management techniques and, as a result, a distinct set of farm animal genetic characteristics. These included the utilization of communal troughs and storage areas for communal drinking water, the separation of different sexes (usually for reproductive purposes only), and the practice of temporary shelter from sun and rain during the summer months. Throughout the Early Modern Age, European and Asian traders brought African herbaceous crops to trade, which were used as ingredients in foods and medicines, as well as bedding material for livestock.

In early Georgian times, an English traveler and botanist described the African village of Bambwa, situated in what is now Zambia, as a “peculiar mania of an English gentleman”. According to this traveler, the “man” was accustomed to spend all his leisure time cultivating “a stock of livers, bullocks, goats, etc”, and that he had a “large flock of geese, partaking chiefly of fat calves.” It was not until the mid-nineteenth century that African textiles and farming became prominent in England. By the nineteenth century, a million people were involved in agricultural production and over a hundred million people are engaged in food and agricultural activities today. With few exceptions, pastoralism has remained an integral aspect of African and Caribbean rural economy ever since.

What Are Livestock Systems?

Livestocks are typically defined as domestic animals raised commercially to produce livestock and other products like milk, eggs, meat, fur, feathers, and wool for manufacturing. The word “livestock” comes from the Latin word “labor” and refers to farm living conditions. In modern times, Livestock can refer to domestic cattle, chickens, donkeys, ostriches, zebras, ostriches, ostricheuses, ruminants, and others. Livestock can be used to refer to domestic animals, especially those that are utilized for meat production. Domestic animals may also refer to pets like cats and dogs.

Livestock can be classified into three basic categories based on the way they are raised on a farm. Cattle, goats, and other herd animals are categorized as pasture animals and are usually fed with corn, alfalfa, grass, alfalfa hay, clover, or a combination of these ingredients for growth, maturation, and the laying of eggs. For dairy and milk production, dairy cows, goat, and poultry are classified as feed animals. For poultry, lambs, turkeys, geese, ostriches, chicken, and other poultry are classified as manufactured feed animals. The last two categories, which are ornamental fowl and wild game, are not considered livestock production systems but are commonly referred to as free-range or organic farming because their production is not dependent on animal products.

Livestock has been an important part of agricultural production in many societies for thousands of years. With the advancements in modern technology and breeds of domestic animals, the industry has become more organized and specific laws have been enacted to protect the rights of the animal. The raising and use of animals for commercial purposes such as dairy and milk production, meat production, and animal breeding are categorized as animal commodity production. The use of pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, and other chemicals in agricultural crops and livestock production systems leads to pollution and contamination in the soil, water, air, and food.

What Is Good Health?

Health, according to the World Health Organization, is “the condition of being fit and healthy, having good health practices, and maintaining adequate levels of physical activity, when appropriate.” Various definitions have also been applied to health over the years. For some people the definition of health is related to following a dietary plan; others view health as the result of following a medical regimen; still, many consider health to be something that affects an individual regardless of their actions.

The best definition, however, of health is the ability to live your life in a way that allows you to be completely satisfied with how you look, feel, or even think. It is this ability to positively affect your quality of life that makes the definition of good health so important. If you do not have a healthy definition of health, it is easy to get off track and develop poor habits that can affect your physical and mental health. Lack of self-awareness of one’s habits can result in the development of some serious health issues such as disease, pain, and even suicide.

Living with poor health practices is not pleasant, nor does it help one to cope with daily life. Many people have turned to the internet in order to better understand their bodies and how they can better control the illnesses that have developed. These online resources provide a valuable tool for those who are trying to live healthier lives through a healthier diet, a consistent exercise routine, and the understanding of their bodies. A lack of self-awareness can lead to serious health problems that will affect both physical and mental aspects of one’s life. Taking a cue from those who have taken the time to better understand themselves and their health allows a person to live a long, happy, and healthy life.

Animal Care

Animal care is the well being of non-human beings. This care is usually extended to animals owned by humans and involves the legal regulation of animal breeding, raising, handling, research, teaching, sheltering, and adoption, as well as preservation of the animal species for future generations. Animal welfare focuses on the protection, security, and well being of animals. Prevention of cruelty to animals is one of the most important areas of animal care. Formal criteria of animal welfare generally range between circumstances but are usually debated mainly by animal advocates, animal scientists, politicians, and others.

The vast majority of animal care experts agree that the best animal care is to provide a high quality of life for animals, to their best health, and to their own preferences. They further advocate animal care to prevent cruelty and maximize the potential of animal lives. The animal rights philosophy promotes respect for animals, promotes a responsible caring community, and encourages human empathy and respect for animals in our society. According to this philosophy, animals should not be harmed or neglected in any way. The primary focus of animal care is to provide animals with the highest quality of life. Humane animal care means protecting and promoting the greatest possible opportunity for animal survival.

Animal rights philosophy is often called “humanism”. Some animal rights movements are vegetarian, vegan, animal rights fundamentalists, and others. Vegetarianism is the adoption of a vegetarian lifestyle. Veganism is a lifestyle involving no consumption of animal products. Other animal rights beliefs include animal rescue, anti-vivisection, and protection of endangered species.

Everything About Domesticated Animals

People have been aware of animals since the beginning of time. Animals have served a number of important purposes for humans throughout the history of recorded history. People have domesticated animals for the purpose of being our companions in life; animals have also provided aid and comfort for humans in their formative years, providing companionship, protection and safety, as well as providing a source of food and other needs. People have also been domesticated animals for their usefulness in hunting and gathering. The two most important types of animals that humans have domesticated are the horse and the dog.

Since the beginnings of recorded history, people have domesticated animals to serve a variety of purposes. Throughout pre-historic times, animals were used for transportation. Throughout prehistoric times, animals were used for the sole purpose of gaming for the carnivores and other large animals. Over the course of time, as people became more sophisticated and increasingly capable of creating farms and other domesticates, animals began to be used for many other purposes including as sources of meat, fur, milk, manure, compost, medicine, toys, building material, vehicles, and even sexual stimulation.

Domesticated animals include all animals that can be tamed, whether they are trained to be pets or free-roaming. The word “domestic” can also mean a range of things, including furs (or fur), animals used for riding, and wild animals that are used for hunting. Other animals include domesticated birds, lizards, mammals, insects, and fish. In modern times, animals are used for a variety of purposes, including companionship, work, sport, protection, and breeding.

Food Is Not Your Nutrient

The word food can have different meanings to different people. To some people the word food can mean any of the following; food eaten in the diet, food eaten in its natural state (as in vegetables and fruits), food supplements, and the like. To others food means all of these things, but more specifically, food that is used to give life to an animal (in the case of plants). It also can mean food that is produced commercially, such as food for human consumption. Finally, it can refer to anything that an organism needs in order to grow and function normally.

The term food can be divided further into two broad categories, there are the macro-nutrients and the micro-nutrients. Macromolecules are the building blocks of proteins and can include amino acids, cysteines, proteins, enzymes, lectins, glycans and others. These are very important because without them, foods would not be able to be categorized as foods, nor would they be produced or consumed. On the other hand, the molecules referred to as nutrients are found in most plants, including fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, meats, dairy products, and the like. They are used to promote a healthy metabolism, enhance the immune system, and the production of hormones. Examples of micro nutrients include vitamins B and C, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, and manganese.

Most people today get their calories from either fat or carbohydrates. However, it should be noted that these two dietary elements are not actually the only ones responsible for the amount of calories we consume. Some of our calories (the ones we get from fat) are used to give energy to our muscles to do work, and carbohydrates are used to give us the energy we need to perform other activities. In addition to the above mentioned macro-nutrients, the micro-nutrients also play an important role in the process of obtaining adequate amounts of these macro-nutrients. These micro-nutrients come in the form of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients needed in our daily food consumption. They can either be included in our diet already or can be added through nutrition supplements.

Between a Farm and a Ranch

Between a Farm and a Ranch

A farm is a piece of property that is devoted mostly to agricultural activities with the sole purpose of growing food and various other plants; it is basically the main facility in agricultural farming. A farm usually consists of several buildings such as barns, orchards, and fencing of different sorts. While a typical farm will be located on a piece of land and surrounded by a large number of buildings, some farms are built on a piece of property alongside other buildings. The farm buildings can be as simple or as grand as you want it to be; usually a farm has plenty of room for all the necessary farm tools and equipment.

In return for the hard work of the farmers, the landowner of the farm receives a portion of the harvest which represents his or her investment. Agriculture is one of the most profitable businesses you can choose to get into today since many people are looking for ways to make money. However, it is important to note that a farm is not something you can just set up without spending anything; farms require money to be invested in order to get bigger, better, faster, and more efficient equipment. The owner of the farm then uses that money to find new lands for growing crops and to find new ways to extract water, minerals, and other natural resources from the soil.

People who are interested in getting involved in agriculture should learn about what types of jobs can be done on a farm before deciding to take up farming as a career. One way to do this is to think of your own farm, either as a pasture for animals, a dairy farm, or a garden where you can grow vegetables. You can also become involved in breeding stock, working with cattle, or selling off some of your crops to the public. Agriculture is a very lucrative business, but it does require a lot of hard work and dedication. People who want to have their own farm should think carefully about what they want to do with it before getting started.

What Is LIVESTock?

Livestocks are commonly defined as domestic animals raised commercially to produce milk, eggs, meat, fur, bones, and other commodities including leather, fur, and milk. It can also be used to describe livestock that are raised for the purpose of being made into living products, such as sturgeon and fishes. In United States, cattle and hogs are some of the widely used livestock across several industries, such as dairy, hog farming, chicken production, and swine production. Amongst animals used for food, cattle and hogs are the most popular. In terms of numbers, cattle and hogs are one of the top ten most populous farm animals in the U.S.

Livestock production systems usually consist of two or more stages. Firstly, there is pre-cropping, which happens prior to establishing the main crop. Second, post-cropping, after the crop has matured. The most efficient way to grow a large number of livestock is with an integrated livestock production system, which combines genetics, feeding programs, fertilization and farming management techniques to ensure high productivity. There are three types of feed: alfalfa, soybeans, and grain.

A very important aspect of a livestock production system is the selection of the best pasture for the animal. For example, deer and elk need higher grasslands to graze on, while cattle and hogs need low-grass areas. Additionally, certain land types attract different animals, which must be identified and implemented in the production system. Finally, cattle need different feed because they forage at different times of the day and feed at different elevations. Some of the common cattle feed types are: fao et, grain, pastured stocking, and pastured bunting.

Assessing the Quality of World Health

Assessing the Quality of World Health

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a condition that “consists of the condition of being healthy and free from any form of illness which can cause death or impairment of body or mind.” Different definitions have been applied over the years for various purposes. In its broadest sense, health covers all of the normal functions of the body and the organs involved in the maintenance of those functions. Thus, health is comprised of the ability to survive, the ability to withstand, the capacity to feel, the capacity to think, and the ability to work. Health can be broken down further into physiological, psychological, and behavioral categories. All three aspects must be considered when evaluating health.

In assessing good health, the absence of medical or mental disorders is the first factor taken into account. absence of diseases means that one is disease free. Good health would then be reflected in the absence of incurable medical problems. This is the most important factor, given that a person’s belief in his capacity to cope with incurable diseases is important to his attitude towards life.

The second factor, psychological quality, is related to the strength of the coping mechanism or self-care mechanism employed. Healthy people are psychologically strong, thus more able to resist, recover, and adapt to stressors or their environments. The third aspect, behavioral quality, is influenced by social and environmental factors. A person who has access to good health promotion services has a stronger mental capacity. Those who suffer from poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and poor personal hygiene stand to benefit most from healthy promotion counseling. A public health perspective considers these three factors as integral elements of world health.

What Exactly is Involved With Animal Care?

What Exactly is Involved With Animal Care?

Animal care is the well being of non-human mammals. Formal standards of animal care vary considerably between different contexts but are often debated largely by animal care specialists, veterinarians, politicians, and other public figures. It is a complex field with no clearly defined borders or guidelines. Animal rights advocates may be against euthanasia, while animal rights activists may be against spaying or neutering (in some places), while animal rights opponents may be against all animal rights movements and advocacy. Still, there are many who are firmly in the camp of animal rights, including animal care experts and veterinarians, while others are somewhere in the middle, believing that some aspects of animal care are necessary and others are not.

Animal welfare is the study of how animals are treated in their day to day lives as well as their emotional and psychological well being as a species. Animal welfare also takes into consideration the psychology of animals and how humans interact with them, as well as the welfare of farm animals and other animals used for food, companionship, research, etc. Animals that are used in these ways have usually been abused, neglected, or otherwise abused in some way or another. This extends to even domestic dogs and cats as well as farm animals like horses, fish, and other farm animals.

Animals can suffer from abuse, just as people do. So just as there are standards for the care that people give to their children, there are standards for animal care that should be followed in certain circumstances. And just as the vet who examines your pet and checks for any physical damage, so should you be the person who determines the best course of action for your animals’ well being. Some things that should always be done include; bathing, grooming, de-worming, vaccinations, flea control, microchips, heart worm testing, microchip placement, microchip retrieval, microchip retrofitting and spaying/neutering, identification, microchip removal, microchipping retrieval, spaying/neutering, microchip reinstalling, trimming, de-worming, and the same sort of thing for exotic animals.

Animals Make the Earth Green

Animals Make the Earth Green

Animals are amazing creatures that share a bond with all of us. From single-celled roots, they evolved to an explosion of diversity and complexity. Estimates indicate that there are over seven thousand different species of animals alive on earth today, including sharks, snakes, lizards, amphibians and insects. Although many of these animals look very similar to each other and may have some similarities in their behavior, each species has its own characteristics that set it apart from another.

One example of animals that separated from the other animals on the surface of the earth is the Archaeopteryx. Also known as the Archaeochelid, this particular animal belongs to the dinosaur family. Small in size, this creature fed on fish, meat and even plants. It had a very long neck that was bony and long enough so that its head could hang low. Another notable feature of this ancient creature is that it possessed no teeth, making it one of the few dinosaurs known to have teeth.

Insects and reptiles are two other groups of animals that split away from the animal kingdom. While both belong to the Kingdom Protista, there are significant differences between the two. Insects are classified under the class Insecta, while reptiles belong to the class reptile. Like fish and amphibians, insects have jointed bodies with four legs and tail, along with a skeleton with exoskeleton. The word ‘worm’ in relation to insects comes from the Greek word for ‘wing’ – a theory that the wings of some insects actually help the animal move about.

What Is Food?

Food is any material consumed to supply nutrition to an organism. Food is generally of vegetable, animal or fungi origin, and has all necessary nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or even minerals. Plants produce food by means of photosynthesis, while animals eat food either by means of their diet, or through hunting, killing prey, eating other animals, and eating of plant foods. Fungi eat a variety of things, including carbohydrates, sugars, roots, seeds, and bacteria. Organisms use energy derived from the food they consume to grow, multiply, and develop. Humans are an active example of the way food is used, since they consume a food to grow, reproduce, repair organs and body systems, build muscles, maintain mental acuity, create language, and perform other daily activities.

The way our body absorbs food is by the process of digestion; this involves the break down of food into simpler compounds that are more easily absorbed in the blood stream. Some substances are more easily metabolized than others, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, and certain vitamins. The food that is digested will pass through the small intestine, which absorbs it into the bloodstream. The blood stream then sends nutrients to the different cells of the body, where they are used for energy. The food that does not get metabolized will enter the stomach, the esophagus, the small intestine, or other parts of the body where it is not used. Since each of these organs only processes a limited amount of food, the rest is then excreted from the body along with the waste products that are waste products.

A major part of the food that we ingest is protein, which provides the essential amino acids for building and repairing cells. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which are responsible for the development of all the tissues and organs of the human body. Many types of food contain many different types of amino acids, including milk and meat, which usually contain casein and whey proteins. Other foods, such as vegetable and fruit juices, contain mostly lactic acid, which produces carbon dioxide. Most fats are stored as fatty acids in the liver, which release them into the bloodstream when there is activity.

Official Definition of Farm

A farm is a piece of land which is dedicated primarily to agricultural activities with the primary purpose of producing crops and food; it’s the main facility in agricultural food production. A farm may be set up for several purposes such as to produce fruit, vegetables, livestock or ornamental items such as grass. Many farmers grow many different kinds of crops including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, peaches, oranges, plums, carrots, onions, potatoes, hay, wheat and grain. They also raise and sell cattle, horses, sheep, goats and chickens on a small scale and raise and feed turkeys and ducks.

There are two types of farms: individual and corporate. An individual farm is a type of farm, where the majority of the activities take place and most of the produce is directly produced by the farmer or family. Corporate farms are large scale ventures owned by individuals or corporations that purchase large tracts of land for growing a variety of agricultural products. The products sold are for human consumption and/or animal consumption. The government has an official definition of an agricultural enterprise which includes any business concern that produces, delivers, or handles goods destined for sale in the agricultural sector. In United States, some of the main farm businesses include poultry, beef, dairy, sheep and sugarcane.

Agriculture has been a major driver of the global food supply. With the increasing demand, farmers have increased the productivity and profit of their farms. As a result of this increased productivity, farmers are able to earn greater profits from a smaller area of land. It was not until the 20th century that farming became a commercially lucrative industry and since then it has grown into a massive industry employing millions of people worldwide and contributing to economic growth.

The Life Of Livestock

Livestocks are commonly defined as domestic animals raised in a farming setting to produce useful living commodities such as milk, eggs, meat, fur, bone, leather, and wool for consumption. Livestock can be tamed and handled and then used for various purposes such as providing food, keeping pets, and earning cash. Some types of livestock include cattle, horse, sheep, goat, poultry, zoo animals, and bovine. The word “livestock” comes from the Latin word meaning “of the land”.

There are four primary types of livestock: wild, domestic, arable, and pastoral. Wild animals such as wild turkeys, deer, foxes, bears, raccoons, eagles, birds, and mice were originally sourced from the parts of the world where they grow wild, such as forests and deserts. In ancient times, nomadic pastoralists would raise cattle, goats, buffalo, ostriches, and wild boar to provide milk, meat, fuel, and fertilizer.

Domestic livestock such as chickens, ducks, swine, turkey, catfish, dogs, rats, mice, gerbils, and rats were obtained through trade, warfare, and slavery. Livestock such as cattle, horses, buffalo, ostriches, zoo animals, and bovine were later brought to areas that were meant for farming. Since early days, pastoralists have been raising livestock, taming them, and utilizing them for different purposes. This has made the industry grow and become a significant part of our lives. Pastoralists still play an important role in the lives of many people today because they serve as an essential link between people and nature by using plants and animals to help improve their way of life.

What Is Good Health?

Health, according to the World Health Organization, is “a condition of full physical, mental and emotional well-being with no limitations.” Different definitions have been applied to health throughout the history of the world. In the United States, the definition has remained fairly consistent. We believe that health is indivisible from being well. In other words, we believe that “being healthful” includes feeling good about being self-aware, self-reliant, and capable of managing one’s health and wellness in a manner acceptable to him or her.

This view of health as a life course definition is opposed to views that view health as a short term or one time factor. It seems to follow that as you become ill or become disabled, your standard of living declines and health care becomes more expensive. Since quality of life depends on having access to health care, some argue that once a person becomes ill, they have little control over their health care and die later in life. Others would disagree with this definition, believing that people who are healthy are those who have taken personal responsibility for their health care and live long enough to enjoy a good quality of life.

Regardless of which view one comes to regarding the definition of well-being, it is clear that both must be considered in defining what is meant by wellness. The well-being approach centers on the individual’s ability to lead a quality life, and the risk factors associated with poor health. Thus, a good health definition is one that takes into account current conditions (obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc), as well as future threats (age, diseases, obesity, high blood pressure, etc). A comprehensive approach to wellness therefore, considers both present and future conditions and risks and attempts to provide a universal, qualitative definition of well-being that encompasses all dimensions of quality of life.

Animal Care – What is it All About?

Animal Care – What is it All About?

Animal care is the health, well being, and happiness of non-human companions. The term’s animal care and animal welfare overlap, however, in many ways. Most animal advocates focus their efforts on advocating for the rights of companion animals, while animal rights activists work to ensure that animals are treated humanely. Where do these overlap?

In most cases, animal care covers a broad range of issues related to the health and safety of animals as well as their environment. However, the specific issues addressed by animal advocates and animal rights groups tend to be very different from those that would be considered animal welfare. For instance, many advocates against animal cruelty focus on issues of extreme pain and suffering. Others may focus on preventing cruelty and exploitation within the animal industry while there are animal rights enthusiasts who focus on protecting animals without regard to their individual rights.

On the other hand, the issue of animal care can mean different things to different people. For instance, some animal rights groups focus on advocating for the rights of companion animals while other animal care advocacy organizations work towards creating better living conditions for farm animals and other animals used for food, fur, or medicine. Pet sitters also fall into this category along with shelters, dog breeding facilities, wildlife refuges, and the breeding and hunting of wildlife. There are also organizations that work to improve the quality of the lives of handicapped humans and animals. Some examples include the National Association of Housecall Veterinarians and the National Pet Sitters Registry.

Animals Make a Difference to the World

Animals Make a Difference to the World

The animals we call vegetables, plants, birds, mammals and fish are subkingly different from each other and have very different characteristics. A number of people who claim to be animal lovers often claim that they care about animals but really don’t. By caring so much you don’t earn their respect and in fact you hurt them by taking the cuteness out of their lives. Animals are much more complex than human beings, although humans have managed to make themselves into complete animals by developing certain organs like the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and fingers.

Animals (called Metazoa) are eukaryotes that form the universal biological classification Animalia. With the exception of a few fossils, animals are usually composed of a body with an exoskeleton, a head, muscles, digits, nerves, skin, hair, organs, and integumentary tissues. With the exception of bacteria, animals do not require sunlight to survive. A handful of animals are classified as living only in water while many others are semi-aquatic. With the exception of algae, all other living organisms are classified into aquatic or semi-aquatic systems.

Under the taxonomy system of mammals, there are seven rank classes: Class I includes the sperm-producing germ cells, class II the ovary and menstrual stages, class III the nervous system, class IV the metamorphosis, class V the subtype of metamorphosis, class VI the form, and subtype VII the egg cell. In addition to the seven ranks, some animals belong to more than one rank. In fact, mammals are categorized as a whole tree with all classifications on the same trunk. In order to classify animals properly, it is essential to understand both the nature of their species and also their relationship to one another. We must also take into account other relevant factors such as the place of origin and the diet that they normally consume.

What Makes Up A Nutrient Content Report (anca) For Foods?

The food pyramid is a system of food that is intended to help people of all ages manage their weight and the amount of food they consume to maintain a healthy weight. Generally speaking, food is any material food consumed to supply nutrition to an organism. Food is generally of animal, plant or fungi origin, and includes vital nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or other minerals. It is believed that the optimum diet should provide all the food an individual needs to maintain a desired body weight. Individuals need a variety of foods to ensure their bodies get all the nutrients they need, and this means that many people find it difficult to eat a well balanced diet and still keep themselves within their ideal weight.

Most people have difficulty eating a healthy, balanced diet because of the variety of foods available and the amount of money they are willing to pay for unhealthy processed foods. Processed foods are high in saturated fats that lead to high cholesterol levels and a general risk of heart disease and diabetes. Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, are found in fish, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, legumes, seaweeds, dairy products and whole grains. Unsaturated fats tend to increase the likelihood of heart disease and reduce the cholesterol level in the blood, while consuming unsaturated fats in moderation may be beneficial for health. Saturated fats can also raise blood pressure levels.

Eating a diet rich in natural, unprocessed foods will not only help you lose weight, but will also help you maintain good health. A diet consisting of lots of natural fibre, for example, can make it more difficult for your body to store fat. Fibre is responsible for softening food, making it easier for your digestive system to break it down. Eating foods with high amounts of fibre and avoiding highly processed grains, breads, rice, and pasta can also increase your energy levels, making it easier for you to lose weight. Eating a diet rich in nutritious, natural fibre can also make it easier for you to feel full so that you don’t overeat.

Farming – What Is Its Nature?

Farming – What Is Its Nature?

A farm is a piece of land that belongs to a family or an individual who cultivates it primarily for agricultural purposes with the sole purpose of growing various crops and foodstuffs; it’s the central facility in agricultural food production. You can find farms all across the globe, with vast differences in size, land usage and climate. Some farms are small and little, almost nothing more than a plot of land where you can raise and cultivate crops, while others are huge with thousands of acres of cultivated farmland. Most of these large-scale farms are located in the United States, Europe or in developed countries like China, India, and Brazil. Farms are run on a traditional farming model, whereby there is a fixed number of workers and machinery to oversee the entire farming operation. Many modern farms employ modern technology to speed up the productivity of the produce and to minimize environmental impact.

The principal farm operator has the main responsibility of ensuring the yield from the farmland is sufficient to meet the food demands of the community or region. In most farm households, the main farm household income is obtained from the sale of at harvest. Farmers are able to earn this through the production of various grains, vegetables, fruits and meat. The land and the machinery used are crucial to the yield; poor management can lead to a loss of revenue.

Farming is normally a year-round job, and the main farm operators usually receive wages during the harvest season. Many farmers use the money they receive from the agricultural products to pay off debts and for other expenses, leaving only the disposable personal income for consumption and luxury. This amount normally depends on the land and the production yield; in some regions, however, farm incomes are higher during winter months due to lower demand in agricultural products. Although the disposable personal income is high and substantial, the production output is low and this usually causes problems in the agricultural sector.

Lestocks: A New Focus For Sport Fishery

Livestocks is also commonly defined as domestic animals raised for domestic purposes, usually for food and labor including horses, donkeys, ostriches, camels, etc., to make dairy, meat, milk, wool, and other products like baby products, feed, and medicines. There are many uses for livestock. Some are involved in agricultural, some are involved in wildlife management, while others are related to ornamental purposes. This article focuses on ornamental purposes of Livestocks.

In the United States, Livestocks are not recognized as legal breed or property because of a lack of governmental action. In Europe, however, Livestock are recognized as goods property. Ruminants (rabbits, goat’s milk producing sheep) are most commonly raised for their meat as well as for milk. They are typically raised on small farms with traditional pastures and fences. These animals are most commonly used for dairy cattle and meat, though some can be used for other purposes as well, such as goose meat.

There are over 20 million people farming Livestock across the United States with more than two million being raised on small commercial ranches. These numbers include all types of Livestock, such as dairy, beef, pork, rabbit, goat, chicken, turkey, dairy and grain-fed beef, alfalfa, grain sorghum, sugar beets, buckwheat, oats, and other grains. The economic contribution of Livestock to U.S. agriculture are more than Crop Productivity and about six billion dollars in revenue.

What Is Public Health?

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a condition of “complete physical, mental and emotional well-being” and not just the absence of illness and infirmity. A wide variety of definitions are used for purposes ranging from adding or subtracting a letter to define the concept. According to one dictionary, health is “the condition of being able to do things with minimal effort or discomfort.” The dictionary also lists “healthful” as one of the definitions, indicating that it involves enjoyment, without limitations, of the resources available to an individual. In addition, another dictionary defines health as “being sound, complete, and active.”

The medical community uses health science in many ways to keep people healthy. For example, the public health system seeks to prevent diseases before they occur, while public health interventions like smoking cessation and education about disease risk and prevention now reduce the number of deaths from heart diseases, cancers, and other life threatening diseases. The field of public health incorporates a large amount of research into its effort to better understand and prevent diseases. Medical researchers, educators, public health officials, and doctors work together to promote good health and to ensure that the health of the public is protected against both major threats to public health: increasing obesity and decreasing nutrition.

With the increasing complexity of life, the definition of health has become more diverse. Some still consider the term to be synonymous with physical illness. However, this view may be narrowing as the public becomes more educated about the benefits of healthy living, public health care, and the overall benefits of healthy lifestyle choices. As defined by the World Health Organization, health science aims to promote quality of life through policies that improve the health of the nation as a whole, by improving the conditions of the most vulnerable groups in society, and by preventing and reducing the severity and spread of chronic diseases. By maintaining a standard of healthy living and by ensuring access to quality health services, public health efforts contribute to these goals.

Choosing an Animal Care Specialist

Choosing an Animal Care Specialist

Animal care is the care of non-human primates and other animals that are used in veterinary medicine and other research. There are formal guidelines on animal care that have been published by international animal organizations, including the World Health Organization and the United States National Institutes of Health. Such formal standards of animal care vary significantly between different context but are often debated mainly by politicians, scientists, and veterinary doctors. Such guidelines may include a minimum amount of space given to animals, protection from certain diseases or ailments, or a prohibition against certain practices that can cause distress to the animal.

There has been much debate on whether or not it is humane to train animals in laboratories for experiments before they are released into the wild. Opponents argue that such practice may cause stress to the animal and may cause the animal to become weaker over time due to the lack of exercises. However, proponents of animal care believe that it is both necessary and beneficial to do such training, especially in large, long-term animal care settings such as research facilities and zoos. Such arguments are not based on sound scientific evidence, as the results of such studies have been inconclusive. In addition, most veterinarians have stated that while they support the practice of pre-training animals, they do not feel it is necessary to subject such animals to living in a small enclosed space for an extended period of time.

When choosing which animal care experts to hire for services in your facility, you will want to ask about their backgrounds and expertise. Make sure they have experience with animals in various care settings, as well as the proper protocol to follow when dealing with sick or injured animals. Most animal specialists should be willing to provide references of clients who they have successfully serviced in the past, and should be willing to speak with you about any aspect of animal care or medical care that you may have a question about. In addition, you should ask about the success rate of the specialists that you are considering. It is important that your veterinarian have a high success rate, as you will be able to depend on them to provide outstanding service to you and your patients, both during regular office hours and after hours.



People often consider animals to be alive because they breathe air, drink water, secrete urine, defecate, and can move. Animals are multicellular, meaning that they are alive, breathe oxygen, secrete waste, can move, reproduce, and eat. There are two basic categories of animals, unicellular (those that have an exoskeleton) and multicellular (those with a skeleton).

The animal’s body plan is very complicated. The cells of the animal body are made up of different kinds of cells, and they all together make a very complex structure. It is believed by most scientists that animals possess a hereditary memory and if certain conditions are present they can remember those conditions and therefore use it when they need to in their daily lives. In animals the cells of the animal body plan form pathways which link together the different organs together and also control the functions of those organs.

All animals are capable of movement, though most amphibians and some vertebrates (lizards and snakes) have joints as their primary means of movement. Most animals have a brain and it is the center of all the other organs in the animal kingdom, though not all mammals have a brain. The animal kingdom has no gender, as most animals are female and some are male. Only some amphibians, mollusks, salamanders, and certain fishes are considered to be fully sexed. A few unicellular animals such as starfish and the protozoan living in the ocean have both sexes.

The Importance of Food

To survive, we need to eat food, the basic building block of our existence. Food is any material consumed to give nutrition to an organism for sustenance. Food is generally of animal, plant or fungi origin, and normally has all necessary nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or minerals. Food can be eaten to sustain life or it can be used as a means of food preparation, in which case it is called food processing.

Some people think that they are on a natural diet; i.e. that they have no need for food processing or eating in moderation. This is not the case; instead, most people’s diet (at least in the Western world) is severely deficient in essential vitamins and minerals, as well as in calories and other substances that lead to weight gain. The only exception may be those who consume small amounts of highly processed lean meats. A healthy, varied diet is the basis of maintaining good health. However, it is not possible to obtain all the needed elements from natural sources, which explains the need for food processing and special diets.

Over processed and commercialized food has led to a decline in the quality and richness of natural foods. Natural food processing and preservation methods such as pasteurization and irradiation are used for increasing shelf-life and texture, color and flavor. In addition, artificial flavorings and preservatives are added to many natural foods to extend their shelf-life and/or increase their taste. These artificial enhancements do not contribute to the nutritional value of the food, but are used instead to enhance the product’s attractiveness and thus increase its sales.

The Beginning of Farming in the United States

The Beginning of Farming in the United States

A farm is a place of cultivated land with the main purpose of growing food and other plants; it’s the heart of all agricultural production. In the United States the most productive farmland is in the upper Midwest region of the upper Great Plains. This is where corn, wheat, canola, soybeans and alfalfa are grown. The majority of U.S. farmers are land owners who lease their land to others for growing crops. Many of these farmers have been in the business for years.

Since there are many different types of farming including cattle, poultry, horticulture, fruit orchards and vegetables most farm equipment is specialized. Some examples of equipment used on a farm include combines, trenchers, fencing, sprayers, harvesters, ploughs, harrow, pump plows, outboard motors, combine harvesters, sheep roller, herders, bailers, treadmills, harvesters, spinning trolleys, and other farm equipment. Many farmers make their own equipment by combining used materials such as metal tubing, aluminum pipes and steel tubing, or else purchasing new farm equipment.

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the tremendous growth in the farming industry has made large-scale, cottage industry farms, or “Factory Farms”, the norm in the United States. These Factory Farms mainly consists of ethanol refineries, meat packing, animal feed production, and confinement egg production. In addition, there are now over 500 United States Farms. The main products of farm produce are dairy products, fruits, vegetables, poultry, beef, honey, wheat, and corn.

Pastoralism and Agriculture

Livestocks is more commonly defined as domestic mammals raised in an agrarian setting to make milk, eggs, meat, fur, and other household commodities such as wool, milk, eggs, and skins. Livestocks is generally defined as any species of domesticated animal that can be used as a commercial or domestic animal for meat production, dairy products, and other industries. There are currently approximately 13 billion domesticated animals in the world and the vast majority of them are cattle. There are a variety of industries that utilize the services of livestock such as meat production, dairy and egg production, and other pet products like companions, handicrafts, or cosmetics.

The term “pastoralism” is a term that is commonly used to describe any variety of farming that uses horses, donkeys, oxen, ostriches, and any other number of farm animal genetic resources. In most cases, pastoralists are considered to be specialists who have a special responsibility for the management of herds and their offspring, as well as the management of the landscape they live in and how they farm. They can be located on a private farm, commercial farm, or wildlife preserve. Some ranchers take on part-time work from the public in order to supplement their income. For example, a veterinarian might serve as a pastoralist on a state-managed wildlife preserve.

The first group of professionals to introduce the concept of pastoralism to the west were the Canadian raisers. The early pioneers of modern day pastoralism were interested in improving the productivity of the country’s cattle farms, and they welcomed the idea of encouraging wildlife and natural resource conservation. Their attempts to improve the quality of the local agricultural produce and the productivity of their own herds resulted in financial success and a name for modern day pastoralists. These first farmers had no formal education in agriculture, but they understood the importance of working with their hands. They were able to earn a living by establishing self-owned businesses that focused on the care and feeding of the local deer population, as well as other small animal species such as sheep and goats. Many of these first ranchers became the progeny of wealthy landholders who saw the vast potential of raising livestock for meat and dairy products, as well as for fiber, hay and grain.

Why Is Good Health Worth It?

Why Is Good Health Worth It?

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is an “uneven condition of the physical, emotional and mental well being of a person and not simply the absence of illness and disease.” Various definitions have been utilized for various purposes over the years. In the United States, the National Health Service (NHS) defines health as “the ability to lead a quality life and the ability to work in partnership with others.” The NHS additionally states that “health maintenance” is a “method of arranging life so that the physical, emotional and mental condition of an individual meets standards of health.”

According to several other healthcare agencies, however, well-being is more than just having good health. These entities further define well-being as having “the ability to manage stress, cope with daily challenges, manage stress related problems, and live in a healthy way.” According to these sources, emotional well-being is one’s capacity to feel happiness and control depression. According to these sources, both physiological well-being and mental illness are interrelated. The causes and consequences of each can differ greatly from one person to another, thus making diagnosis and treatment of each more difficult.

Several of the environmental factors that affect a person’s overall health are known, while others are still not very well known. For instance, environmental factors such as air pollution may cause short term memory loss or symptoms of depression. However, these symptoms usually clear up after the individual has become accustomed to their new environment. Another environmental factor that may be important in the development of some illnesses is the extent of sun exposure. Long periods of sun exposure result in increased production of vitamin D and may decrease the likelihood of certain diseases.

Online Bachelor’s Degree in Animal Care For People Who Love Animals and Want to Change the World

Animal care is the well being of non-human animals being used for people’s consumption. Animals are subjected to abuse and suffering on a daily basis, with little representation in the general public. Strict, formal standards of animal care vary widely between different cultural context, but tend to be debated primarily by animal rights advocates, politicians, and academics. People who are concerned about animal rights are generally opposed to animal exploitation, cruelty, factory farming, endangered species’ rights, animal testing, exotic pet trade, dog breeding, and euthanasia.

In addition to these broad philosophical positions, animal care requires specific, often researched skills from animal care professionals and volunteers. The best way to contribute to this sphere of expertise is to complete a well-rounded bachelor’s degree… or even better, a master’s degree! These degrees equip individuals with both scientific knowledge and creative skill. With the appropriate qualifications, animal care professionals can pursue careers that benefit not only humans but our four-legged friends as well…or perhaps you could just help improve the overall well-being of pets everywhere!

Among the most widely-accepted animal welfare practices are spaying/neuterization, adopting and microchip implants, public education regarding animal care, and animal rescue and adoption. Spaying and neutering animals…or, in the case of microchips, the removal of microchips -are the most popular animal welfare interventions. They are typically performed on dogs and cats, but some cats are born with defective microchips, requiring a microchip implant. Neutering/spaying, on the other hand, is performed on horses and other large animals, and it is less common. Humane societies and animal rights activists support these practices because they promote animal wellbeing and happiness; spaying/neuterization reduces animal aggression, acts of desperation, and drug/alcohol use; and adopting and rescuing animals from abusive situations creates loving homes for these beloved friends.

A Closer Look at Animals’ Genomes

Animals are classified into several broad taxonomic groups based on their arrangement and anatomy. These include Protista (elephants, pigs, cows, horses), Neornithes (hedns, fish, birds), Episthians (bees, cats), and Allcidae (alligators, snakes). Herbivores have animals that eat plants and groom themselves to keep themselves clean and well groomed; carnivores have animals that kill their prey and secrete a pheromone to lure the prey away before eating. omnivore animals feed at least partially on vegetation or animal products, but may also obtain protein from other sources. Herbivores and carnivores differ in diet as they usually target different foods.

The classification of animals is based on similarities and differences of anatomy, behavior, physiology, reproductive strategies, and ecological roles. Evidence of animal species can be identified from fossils, molecular biology, DNA, immunology, and physiology. Evidence of Phylogenetics is based on similarities and differences between fossils and other organisms. Evidence of Phylogenetics and Evolution is problematic in that some organisms appear to have originated from multiple ancestral taxa whereas others have derived from only one ancestor.

Insectivores and Carnivores are categorised as Eutherians and Carnivores respectively with Cows, Horses, Deer, Pig, Chicken, Squirrel, Ham, Cat, Rooster, Hedgehog, Salamander, rat, ratchet, bird, fish, bird eggs, air, land crabs, amphibians, crustaceans, snails, and mollusks classified separately with mammals. Within crustaceans, there are three subclasses, namely Protocorine Order (Pentalophytes), Metatheria Order (Araneae), and Eutherian Order (Cetacea). Within the Metatheria, there are four subclasses, namely Prototheria (Spiders, Planthales, Scales, Metatherium), Metatheriums (Crustacea), and Crustacea (Oceans, Mesosubsacteria). Within the Cetacea, there are two subclasses, namely Eutheria and Prototheria.

Best Sources of Food in Your Daily Diet

Best Sources of Food in Your Daily Diet

Food is any material eaten to supply nutrition to the organisms. The word food comes from the Greek work “food” and “meal”, indicating that the meals were used to feed an individual. In modern times food is generally of animal, plant or fungi origin, and has vital nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or other minerals essential to life. Modern people usually eat foods in two to three different forms: ready-to-eat (RTE) food, which are highly processed foods ready to eat (or fast food); ready-to-eat cooked food; and home-cooked food. The type of food depends largely on the type of person: young children have a more limited range of food than older people, who eat a wider variety of food.

Eating healthy is a way to ensure that an organism receives all the nutrients it needs for normal development. A healthy diet consists of a wide variety of foods that provide energy, vitamins and minerals, while avoiding those that contain excess fat, salt or sugar, and those that contain artificial color, flavor, or texture. In order to obtain these nutrients, organisms must chew, swallow, inhale and absorb the food. This process requires different nutrients for different foods, which is why young children require different foods from that of older people.

The best sources of these nutrients include: whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, protein-rich dairy products, and fats from fish, poultry and meat. Eggs are another good source of vitamin B, although the nutritional value of eggs is unclear. Lean meats, poultry and fish provide vitamin A, as well as essential fatty acids, while dairy products, nuts, legumes, grains and vegetables provide vitamin E. Vitamin K helps form a blood clotting agent and may reduce the risk of stroke and coronary artery disease. Some vitamin C and potassium are good sources of iron, while calcium helps strengthen bones.

Livestock Club

Gary Hounshel of Hounshell Farm, and his Chestnut Springs Farm bred and born wether win Reserve Grand Champion Show Wether in

Morehead, Kentucky’s USBGA sanctioned Boer Goat show on Saturday August 4th 2007. Gary’s wether, CSF Chad was born April 7, 2007!

CSF Chad is out of CSF Squaw and DL The Duke.


Ten year old Paige Stahl of Somerset, PA wins Grand Champion Show Wether with her Chestnut Springs Farm born and bred paint wether.  Congratulations to our good friend Paige, for a job well done!

Paige’s wethers are out of CSF Belladonna Puvee and DL The Duke.

We’re very proud of you Paige!!

2007 Bluestone Valley Fair Results

Ashley Peyton wins 2007 Reserve Grand Champion with her Chestnut Springs Farm born and bred show wether out of Luanne Puvee and DL The Duke.

2006 Bluestone Valley Fair Results

Chestnut Springs Farm wishes to congratulate all the 4-H children!!



1. Emma Faulkner

2. Kristin Mabe

3. Ben Walker

4. Monica Bennett

5. Rachel Parsons





1. Ashley Peyton

2. Rae Manning

3. Tony Gross

4. Emily Boze

5. Billy Parsons

6. Kayla Thacker

7. Bo Williby

8. Hunter Moses

9. Brandi Rose

Market Goats

Light Weight

1. Ben Walker

2. Monica Bennett

3. Kayla Thacker

4. Rae Manning

5. Rachel Parsons

6. Billy Parsons

7. Bo Williby



Medium Weight

1. Emma Faulkner

2. Tony Gross CSF

3. Rachel Parsons

4. Ben Walker

5. Ashley Peyton

6. Kayla Thacker

7. Rae Manning

8. Hunter Moses


Heavy Weight

1. Emily Bose CSF

2. Emily Bose CSF

3. Kristen Mabe CSF

4. Kristen Mabe CSF

5. Tony Gross CSF

6. Monica Bennett

7. Emma Faulkner

8. Ashley Peyton



Grand Champion Market Goat …………………………..Emily Boze CSF

Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat………………Emily Boze CSF

Junior Doe Class (2 entries)

  1. Rae Manning
  2. Monica Bennett


Senior Doe (1 entries)

  1. Monica Bennett

Grand Champion Doe……………. Monica Bennett

Reserve Grand Champion Doe…….Rae Manning


Junior Male (2 entries)

  1. Rae Manning
  2. Monica Bennett

Grand Champion Buck…………………….Rae Manning

Reserve Grand Champion Buck….Monica Bennett

Premier Exhibitor

(person with the most entries)

Monica Bennett

Below you will find a sampling of 2007 wethers available from

Chestnut Springs Farm

If you are interested in purchasing a show wether project we do require a deposit equaling 1/3 down or $50.00 per wether.  Those paying deposits will get first choice.  All wethers will be disbudded and banded before leaving the farm.  They will also be wormed and vaccinated. 

Wether prices average from $150.00 to $200.00 each for top of the line Show wethers. We choose wethers that are long bodied and very leggy.  They must be wide in the chest floor with a tubular body and muscled rear end.

We feel that our prices are very fair compared to most of the country and only choose wethers that can compete in the biggest and best shows.  If you see something you like, please call and reserve.  We will hold the animal for five days which will allow plenty of time to mail your deposits.

All depopsits are non-refundable, unless something should happen to the animal in which a deposit has been made.

Please understand that farming is a full time job and that we make many sacrifices in order to make these nice animals available to our customers.

We appreciate your business!!

Photos below depict some of the winning wethers from the past few years….


Emily Boze wins “Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Meat Goat at the Mercer County 4-H Fair 2006 with her two 4-H projects.  Both of Emily’s wethers are out of CSF Jim Dandy and CSF Delta Dawn.  Emily is pictured (above) with her Reserve Grand Champion


Kristin Mabe wins third place in the heavy weight class with her 4-H wether project, finishing just behind two other wethers from Chestnut Springs Farm.  Above wether is a product of CSF Jim Dandy and CSF Pataloon.


Tony Gross wins Reseve Grand Champion Light Weight Market Goat West Viginia State Fair 2006. This fine looking wether is a product of Tri-Quest Pipsissewa and CSF Pokeree.


Tony Gross wins “Grand Champion Heavy Weight Meat Goat” and “Overall Reserve Grand Champion Meat Goat” at the West Virginia State Fair 2005!

  Way to go TONY!!

This winning wether was sired by “CSF Jim Dandy” and CSF Audra.


Emily Boze wins Overall Grand Champion Meat Goat Wether at the Mercer County Bluestone Valley Fair 2005! 

Congratulations Emily

Well done!!

This winning wether was sired by CSF Magi & CSF Pataloon.


Kristin Mabe shows one of her projects at the West Virginia State Fair 2005.

This wether was sired by CSF Magi and CSF Peach Melba


Monica Bennet of Hickory Hills Farm

Monica won the Showmanship award and trophy at the 2005 Bluestone Valley 4-H Fair!

Monica’s wether is sired by her buck CSF Neon and CSF Katie.

Congratulations Monica!!


Ben Walker with his medium weight homegrown 50% market wether, which placed 4th at The Bluestone Valley Fair 2006.  Ben placed 1st in the lite weight class with another of his market wethers.  He placed 6th out of a large class at the West Virginia State Fair with his Medium weight market wether.


We are so proud of you!




West Virginia State Fair Light Weight Grand Champion Meat Goat 2004. 

Kristin Mabe did a wonderful job with this nice wether!

This wether was sired by CSF Tomahawk and CSF Luanne Puvee.

Congratulations Kristin!


This young wether was the youngest wether born on the farm but he went on to win Grand Champion at the

2004 Bluestone Valley 4-H Fair.

This wether was sired by XS African Abner and CSF Delta Dawn.


We recommend buying and selling “quality” Boer goats, because we believe quality never goes out of style.

At Chestnut Springs Farm we believe the children are the most important assets for the future of this country.  We have always supported the local 4-H children, and are always happy to assist with any nutritional or health concerns the parents or children may have. Please feel free to contact us via email or phone anytime with any questions you might have, or to check the status of our available 4-H projects.

Call (304) 589-3972

E-Mail   csprings@frontiernet.netVisitors always welcome but please call first to ensure that we will have the tea and coffee brewing.

Chad Broyles & Patrick Aliff
Bluefield, West Virginia 24701-9713  

If you would like to have your child’s 4-H photos included on our site please send us a clear picture and we will gladly do that for you.  

Hold your mouse over a link to see where it goes


Mercer County 4-H livestock club photos


Boer Goats

Thank you for visiting Chestnut Springs Farm.