Animals – The Major Groups

There are various kinds of animals like Birds, Insects, Reptiles and mammals to mention a few. They all require water, food and shelter for their daily survival. Animals which remain with human beings as pets are known as Pets. Wild animals staying in forests such as Lion, Tiger, Giraffe etc are also known as Wild animals.

Multicellular organisms, i.e. organisms which contain multiple molecules, cells or cytoplasts constitute the bulk of animals and plants. The word’multicellular’ means that the reproduction is controlled by genetic mechanisms and that the cells have a set of chromosomes which are totally different from those of a normal cell. Multicellular organisms reproduce by division and there is no method involved in this reproduction apart from natural selection.

amphibians are one class of animals having an extended range of limb structures. The most notable example of such a class is Amphibia. These animals have gills used for respiration; they also possess some sensory organs. These forms of animals are mostly nocturnal and move about on wet and muddy surfaces. Some of the well-known representative forms of amphibians are The Frog, salamander and certain reptiles. contained harmful chemicals.

An important classification of animals is the Cetacea. Cetacea includes twelve subspecies of mammals and all the major classes of Cetacea are broadly distributed across the Indian subcontinent and into the arid regions of North Africa. Most cetaceans belong to the Order of mammals and the only suborder of Cetacea that is not mammals is the Diplodocidae. All these forms of animals feed on insects. Bees, Wasps and flies are some of the major prey of these animals.