An Overview of Lestocks


An Overview of Lestocks

Livestocks are defined as domestic animals raised for profit on a farm to produce commodities such as milk, eggs, meat, fur, feathers, and wool. Livestock can be cattle, horses, donkeys, ostriches, and sheep. Although many people are familiar only with the rooster that comes around the corner to milk their hens, many other types of livestock can be raised on a farm. Some common livestock include:

Many different cultures have attempted to domesticate different types of livestock through the years. The ancient Egyptians used ostriches, sheep, and cow for milk and bread; the Chinese took advantage of wild oxen to transport goods and deliver them to distant towns; the Mayans domesticated llamas to pull carts and transport supplies; and the Aztecs utilized the wind, reindeer, and horse to herd their cattle. However, one of the most prominent examples of early domestication occurred during the agricultural Holocene period when early humans outstretched the land to find grasslands suitable for planting crops. The Neolithic Age or the Mesolithic Age is characterized by early human activity which coincides with the rise of agriculture.

Through advancements in technology, farmers are able to breed and stock livestock throughout the world. In modern times, contemporary pastoralists typically raise cattle for their meat, dairy products, and fiber. A number of businesses exist that allow individuals to buy and sell the products of pasturage. These businesses include the beef industry, poultry, dairy, sheep, game birds, fish, vegetables, fruits, eggs, honey, and herbs. Today, many consumers enjoy the fresh taste of a product that comes straight from the field.